Maison La Roche © FLC / ADAGP / Manuel Bougot


Confined at Le Corbusier

The Fondation Le Corbusier, in partnership with the Fédération européenne des habitants de Le Corbusier, opens a window on the lives of the residents of the Unités d’Habitation during the confinement period. In Rezé, Marseille, Briey, Firminy and Berlin, residents invent a new way of living together and bear witness to the human and social dimension of the 5 Unités d’Habitation “made for people, made on a human scale” (Le Corbusier).


At La Maison Radieuse, banners are a regular sight on the west facade of the Unité d’Habitation. There were banners when the post office in the Hall closed and when the school was threatened. Since the closure, new banners have been appearing as messages from the inside out.


The traditional weekly market held in the hall of the Maison Radieuse has been discontinued. The Association des Habitants, the co-owners and the manager have reinvented a solidarity market with a vegetable producer, to continue to enjoy living together. In compliance with the rules of confinement!