L’Atelier du 35 rue de Sèvres — 1924-1965
XXIIèmes Rencontres de la Fondation
XXIInd Symposium of the Fondation
5 and 6 December 2024 – Auditorium of the Loyola Faculty – 35 rue de Sèvres, Paris
Open to all – no reservation required
In Memoriam Jean-Louis Cohen
On 18 September 1924, together with his cousin Pierre Jeanneret, Le Corbusier opened his studio at 35 rue de Sèvres, which enabled him to develop new ways of conducting his career as an architect. While the studio may at first glance resemble a traditional architectural practice, it soon became much more than that, resembling a kind of start-up orincubator, a place for experimenting with new projects and for theoretical conceptualisation.
Structurally, organisationally and conceptually, it prefigures less the model of the world’s very large agencies (with their hundreds of architects and designers) than that of a ‘human-scale’ structure working to reconcile practice and theory in the project process. From this point of view, the choice of collaborators is essential. The condition of the work fully justifies the international opening to many nationalities, making each trainee or collaborator a privileged interlocutor to contribute, from his or her ‘cultural’ point of view, to the improvement of the material and conceptual systems chosen.
Le Corbusier’s choice of cosmopolitan agency gave him the ability to conceive of modernity as a multi-dimensional global project with its own Kantian-inspired expectations of peace and universal prosperity.
The Rencontres will seek to understand the particularities of this place, to evoke its functioning, but will also question the role played by Le Corbusier in the development and organisation of this workshop, without forgetting his recruitment, the management of projects… They will give an account of the Corbusian vision of the workshop as a microcosm and reappropriation of the real world. Particular attention will be paid to the permanent reversibility of the agency between architectural studio and laboratory of ideas, as evidenced by its reorganisation on its return to Paris under German occupation (formation of ASCORAL within it) and its efficient deployment after the Second World War to meet the challenges posed by the new major projects.
The studio at 35 rue de Sèvres will be the focus of a study that will take us from inside to outside, from inside to outside.
Thursday 5 December – 9am-6pm
Introduction to the symposium : Antoine Picon — Président de la Fondation Le Corbusier
Rémi Baudouï et Arnaud Dercelles — Responsables scientifiques des Rencontres
Introductory remarks : Marc Bédarida
1. L’envers
- Au service de la collectivité, les exercices de la profession du jeune Jeanneret à La Chaux-de-Fonds » — Marie-Jeanne Dumont
- L’agence d’architecture en France, XIXe-XXe siècle : approche historiographique — Valérie Nègre
- Radiographie d’un lieu. Partie 1. D’un couloir de couvent à une agence d’architecture — Didier Teissonnière
Break : Film by Ernst Weismann about life in the Atelier in 1929-1930— Présentation et commentaires de Veronique Boone
2. L’endroit
- « Monsieur Le Corbusier », un patron à l’atelier — Michel Triballeau
- L’accueil des bâtisseurs grecs ou l’envers et l’endroit de l’hellénisme et de la politique — Panayotis Tournikiotis
3. La Renaissance du 35 rue de Sèvres
- 1940-1945. L’atelier clandestin de la fabrique du futur — Rémi Baudouï et Arnaud Dercelles
- Radiographie d’un lieu. Partie 2. L’agence après-guerre — Didier Teissonnière
- Un nouveau modèle d’agence pour l’après-guerre ? — Christel Palant-Frapier
Friday 6 December – 9am-12noon
- Les femmes architectes au sein de l’atelier du 35 rue de Sèvres — Veronique Boone et Martina Hrabova
- Pierre Jeanneret à l’Atelier 35, rue de Sèvres : l’architecture en dialogue — Michel d’Hoe
- Round Table discussion : What remains of 35 rue de Sèvres? Contemporary perspectives on the Atelier du 35 rue de Sèvres— Modérateur Jacques Sbriglio
With Meriem Chabani, Laurent Duport, Sarah Feriaux-Rubin et Carme Pinos.

— Photographies : Le Corbusier by Willy Rizzo
— Tampon de l'Atelier, circa 1950