Tribute to
Jean-Louis Cohen — 1949-2023
Passing of a great historian

« It is with great sadness that I learned of the sudden passing of Jean-Louis Cohen, a friend, a role model of commitment to the service of architecture, cities, and their history, one of the greatest experts on the work of Le Corbusier. The Foundation will never forget the steadfastness with which he stood by its side as an administrator, but also as an expert, author of fundamental articles and books, as well as a curator of exhibitions.
On my behalf, on behalf of the Le Corbusier Foundation, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to a personality who was both brilliant, erudite, and generous. This fall, we will organize a tribute to his exceptional contribution to the understanding of Le Corbusier’s work and his unwavering support for our projects. »
Antoine Picon
President of the Fondation Le Corbusier