Le Corbusier, 1930-2020

Le Corbusier, 1930-2020 Polémiques, mémoire et histoire
Rémi Baudouï (dir.), Tallandier, 2020
In 2015, the major Le Corbusier exhibition organised at the Centre Pompidou in Roquebrune Cap-Martin fifty years after the architect’s death reignited a heated debate. His detractors accused the architect of modernity of having been a fascist and of having sought to work for the Vichy government.
To shed light on the matter, the Fondation Le Corbusier and the Centre Pompidou have asked eminent specialists, historians of contemporary architecture, philosophers and experts on the 1930s and 1940s to reconstruct the itinerary and thinking of this unrivalled architect who responded to the demands of his time. Here is the fruit of these analyses, which show all the facets of Le Corbusier’s personality without hiding or concealing anything.
With contributions from :
- Dominique Barjot
- Serge Berstein
- Veronique Boone
- Olivier Cinqualbre
- Jean-Louis Cohen
- Arnaud Dercelles
- Marie-Jeanne Dumont
- Tzafrir Fainholtz
- Benoît Goetz
- Jean-Noël Jeanneney
- Mickaël Labbé
- Mary McLeod
- Antoine Picon
- Josep Quetglas
- Danièle Voldman
- François Warin