Le Corbusier, 1959

Tabouret, édition Cassina
Photo : Cassina
This stool was designed by Le Corbusier for the Maison du Brésil.
This is a five-storey reinforced concrete building in the grounds of the Cité Universitaire Internationale in Paris. Originally commissioned to the Brazilian architect Lucio Costa, the Brazilian government’s order was eventually carried out by Le Corbusier, who had already designed the nearby Fondation Suisse (1931-1933). Lucio Costa advised Charlotte Perriand on the interior design of the student rooms.
A bed and square table designed by Charlotte Perriand, a wooden stool by Le Corbusier and a wardrobe to separate the bedroom from the bathroom designed by Le Corbusier and Charlotte Perriand were installed in a small space of 18m2. The wardrobe is painted on one side and has grey PVC doors and coloured plastic drawers on the other. The walls feature a piece of furniture with a shelf and a black slate painting by Le Corbusier and Charlotte Perriand.